
Tips and Information.

Feature Article

What if I live in a different city than you?

The majority of the design, development and revision processes is handled over the Internet anyway, so being able to physically meet is not a critical component to the project.

No problem! The majority of the design, development and revision processes is handled over the Internet anyway, so being able to physically meet is not a critical component to the project. We can talk via the telephone, or "face-to-face" via Skype if you prefer. I also stay in close contact with my clients via email, and all design mockups and development reviews are conducted at your leisure, via your computer and web browser. I have worked with clients located just a few kilometers away and some in another province. I have also worked with a client over 4300 km (2700 miles) away in Portland, Maine, as well as two different clients in the beautiful state of Hawaii, and I am confident that the level of service has been the same for all my clients, near or far.